The US Capitol’s Dome is Finally Refurbished

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Nobel Laureate Says US Close to Failing

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Apple Announces AirPod Shipment Delay

Kelly Brothers gives a summary of business news for the last week of October, 2016.

Several businesses posting good data, including Twitter; initial jobless claims remain relatively low; Dow Jones Industrial Average was up on Thursday.

Apple delayed its shipment of its new wireless ear-pod headphones, explaining that despite the simplicity in their outer design and method of use, they are complex technologically, and more quality control testing needs to be done. Walmart announced that it is planning to introduce “holiday helpers” to its workforce for the holiday season, which is already once again upon us.
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Trump Does Not Regret Accusations of Clinton Misconduct

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Listen to the most up-to-the-minute news about advances in technology from Bloomberg West with hostess Emily Chang. Covered in this report are:

  • US Government paving the way for autonomous cars to take to the road.
  • Oracle is bringing their products to India in their fast-growing market.
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President Bush (41) is Voting for Clinton

CNN News reports that former president George HW Bush has told several people in private conversations that he will be voting for Hillary Clinton for president. The video also shows former First Lady Barbara Bush saying about Donald Trump that,

“He doesn’t give many answers about how he would solve problems. He sort of makes faces and says insulting things. I mean, he’s said terrible things about women. Terrible things about military. I don’t understand why people are for him, for that reason. I’m a woman. I’m not crazy about what he says about women.”

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Grant Cardone Explains How to Get Rich by 30

Here what Grant Cardone, American entrepreneur and author, has to say about people investing while still in their 20s. His controversial suggestions include not to:

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Bloomberg West: Weekly Highlights and High Tech Dominance

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